
fun copy(overwrite: Boolean = true): File

Copy this ServerPackFiles source to the destination. Already existing files are replaced. When the source-file is a directory, then the destination-directory is created as an empty directory. Any contents in the source-directory are NOT copied over to the destination-directory. See File.copyRecursively for an example on how to copy entire directories.

This method specifically does NOT copy recursively, because we would potentially copy previously EXCLUDED files, too. We do not want that. At all.




In the case of the default provider, and a security manager is installed, the checkRead method is invoked to check read access to the source file, the checkWrite is invoked to check write access to the target file. If a symbolic link is copied the security manager is invoked to check LinkPermission("symbolic").

if the array contains a copy option that is not supported.

if an I/O error occurs